Click video link below to play our Infinite Health Studio youtube channel top tips!
FYI did you know in Perth the most efficient time to absorb vitamin D is at 10am and 2pm? So a healthy dose of sunshine at that time is just what your naturopath recommends!
Regular Blog News - Regular Items with Fresh Ideas and LINKS!
Fertility & Hormone News
Keep informed on all things fertility by following our Fertility Expert, Lee-Anne Heron ND on instagram for weekly tips and fertility and hormone facts
If you have been having difficulty with fertility and have not had the following tests, it may be time to check in with Lee:
* Sperm Analysis & DNA fragmentation
* Genetic Testing Carrier Typing (over 300+) recommended for both partners
* Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy
* Ultra sound - Male & Female
Recipe of the Month
Immune Supporting Turmeric & Chicken Broth
Click our recipe of the month for link to recipe/ youtube cooking vid - curated by our Infinite Health Studio naturopath & nutrition team.
Ingredients (10 or less), Ease (Basic)
This month's recipe is courtesy of Lee Holmes and Broth and Co
For full recipe click the link below
Book of the Month
Supercharge Your Gut by Leah Holmes (On Sale $25 from Myer who now offer delivery)

Naomi's Review "4/5 Plenty of recipe options, great way to involve the whole family in nourishing food prep & self-care. Immune health often starts in the GUT!" Email us for products & a gut health check!
Include some of these foods
Energy boosters – salmon, bananas, almonds, oatmeal and greens
Immunity savers – broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach and bone broth
Spice up your life – turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, rosemary and dill
Cut up veggies – 4/5 Australian’s don’t reach their fruit and veg recommend intake!
Omega 3 rich foods for brain – chia seeds, salmon, avocado, flax, tuna, egg yolks
Naturopath Tip
"Remember to eat mindfully and slowly – set a 20 minute timer and enjoy your lunch within this time so you chew mindfully and not rushed, ideally you want to get your body into rest and digest mode at lunchtime."
Moving Well & Resting Well
Watch this space next blog for our self-care practices (look out for yoga nidra, yin yoga, MFR roll & recover.... next blog we will have links to self care classes and vids brought to you by our team of leading chiropractors, yogis, mindfulness teachers and the Southern Hemisphere's only Roll Model Method Teacher Trainer (as seen on tune up fitness)!

Whilst this blog is here to offer ideas, tips and self-care inspiration, we are here in person for your health care needs (wellness checks, tests, plans and products) AND we offer that same in person experience in our online video consultations!
More info or to book visit our bookings page.