What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a powerful form of medicine that fully acknowledges and actively supports the body’s innate healing abilities. Naturopaths are committed to treating each person as a unique individual, providing essential education and empowerment to take full responsibility for their health.
The primary focus is on utilising evidence-based and traditional natural substances, including food, herbs, and nutritional supplements, to vigorously promote balance and wellness and proactively prevent chronic diseases.

Naturopathy is a holistic approach that not only prevents health issues and detects a person’s predisposition to developing a health disorder but also promotes overall well-being. It is highly effective in treating both acute and chronic health problems.
Naturopathy aims to:
Minimise symptoms.
Support the body’s vital force (its capacity to self-heal).
Re-balance the system to reduce the likelihood of future illness.
Educate the patient to take charge of their health and their familes.
Allergies and sensitivities
Auto-immune conditions
Behavioural problems
Cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) problems
High blood pressure
Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Digestive complaints
Endocrine disturbance
Fertility problems​
Hormonal imbalances, such as premenstrual tension and menopause
Mood disorders, anxiety & depression
Thyroid dysfunction
What can Naturopathy Help With?
What to expect
A well-trained naturopath will want to know about your diet, lifestyle, family background and environment, as well as the history of your illness or complaint. This information is important so that the naturopath can discover the cause of the illness. You are treated as a whole person.
During a consultation, your practitioner will thoroughly assess your health status based on a discussion and relevant assessments.
During naturopathic treatment, you may be prescribed herbal and nutritional medicine and given individualised dietary and lifestyle advice.
As well as taking a detailed health history, the naturopath may use other diagnostic techniques, such as:
Blood Analysis
Functional Testing
Hair Analysis
Stool & Urine Analysis

A naturopath employs a range of non-invasive techniques and these include
(but are not limited to):
Nutrition & Dietary Advice – one of naturopathy’s foundations. A poor diet stops the body from functioning well, and a build-up of toxins can lead to a range of illnesses. Whole, fresh and unprocessed foods are recommended.
Herbal Medicine – herbs are as potent as pharmaceutical drugs and can be used to great effect.
Flower Essences - the vibrational energy of flowers, which can improve negative thoughts and emotions.
Homœopathy – homœopathic treatments are used to stimulate the immune system.
Counselling techniques – emotional problems and stress can interfere with the healing process. Counselling techniques can include stress management strategies and life coaching.
In House Testing - Live blood screening, iridology, tongue & nail diagnosis, blood pressure, bio-impedance analysis.